Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sketching & Watercolor in Mixed Media Journal

I've really been wanting to work on my painting skills for quite some time - watercolor, in particular.

I came across a class offered by one of my favorite sketchbook, fiber artists - Jane LaFazio and decided to give it a go.  I missed the first week as we were on Montana, but I eagerly got started on week two as soon as we got home.

Had such a nice day searching for "complex" objects in nature (as the assignment required) followed by sketching them out in pencil and micron pen, and then adding color with  Prang Watercolors.  I've loved Prang watercolors (and crayons) since I was a little girl.  Heavily pigmented and luckily still around after all these years - the colors really are beautiful

 I think I'm going to love this class.


  1. This looks like a fun class. You are very good at this. Where do you get your Prang watercolors? My Mothers Cousin left me her Art supplies when she died and the watercolors which I love and have been using are Prang and running out. I need to get some replaced.

  2. Yep, I KNOW you're going to love this class!

  3. Thanks Cathie, I hope our small Michaels will have the paints but we do have a Staples too. Never thought of looking there. :)

  4. I'm so glad you are studying watercolors! Your flowers look lovely!


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― Friedrich Nietzsche