Destination...... Everywhere.
This year instead of the Harley - we're jeeping it all across Colorado and Utah - with Moab being our ultimate destination.
Moab is on the southwestern tip of the Colorado Plateau, a unique geological feature that encompasses more than 130,000 square miles of the "four corner" states. I understand the unique attributes of this place very well because I did an honors paper on the Colorado Plateau in college. I actually travelled out there, took soil samples, rock samples and studied the geology and landformations for months.
Without going into detail and really boring you, suffice it to say that the Moab area which was once full of lakes, glaciers and waterfeatures, is now dry - exposing over 2 BILLION years of geological history by virtue of sediment and layering.

In any event - the trip is a few months away so we are now in the planning stages. But I'm one of those wierd people that get almost as much pleasure out of the planning and fantasizing as I do the trip itself. It all comes together as one event for me which is cool because instead of just a 10 day vacation - mine lasts for months.
Finally, and I promise I won't talk about it any more until AFTER it happens -- comes the most important part of the planning. I now have a few months to do a total revamp on my body, health and stamina and I have to get myself into the best shape ever. I really started the first of the year (that was one of those resolutions I wouldn't tell you about .) Well -- I have LOTS of work to do and I've totally changed the way I am eating and exercising to accomplish major health overhaul on my 5'1 (on a good hair day). I've done this two other times in my life - once in my 20's and once in my 30's -- Now that I'm in my (um - this is the hard part) 40's it's time to do it again .
Have a great Sunday. We're off to church - then I'm planting, sewing, reading and baking today. Do something spectacular today and BE INSPIRED!!!
PS - NO that's not us on the vertical incline - it's just some crazy guy - but gives you a good idea of the Extreme Moab - where NOTHING is off limits!
Been there and LOVED IT. We plan to go back in the next few years without the kids. They were teenagers at the time and more into "doing things" than hiking, camping, etc. Plus we had a deadline and didn't get to stay as long as we would have liked anyway. Enjoy the planning and the trip. Your adventure just might bump ours up some.
Sounds like a fantastic trip!
It was a gorgeous NC day. Not sure if this counts as spectacular but I'm happy about it. Today we put up the posts for a clothesline so I can hang everything out on days like this and have sweet smelling sheets and clothes. :-) Ahhhhh.
Hey girl! We are heading to the same area in a couple of months. Can't wait to see you Wed ~ you can help me with the "must-dos" as I've never been out there before.
Wow! Sounds like a great trip! I will go in July one week to England - visiting some gardens near London.
Have a wonderful day Wurzerl
Sounds like a fantastic trip, and your life changing plan sounds awsome, I look froward to readimg about your progress, good luck!
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving such an encouraging comment.
You have a great blog, I'll be beack :-)
Wow, several wows!
Wathie, your have great projects! I love the idea of caming outside, going where you want to go! And I wish you goodluck and lots of energy for your new health program, I know that it is difficult or can be, when you have your family around!
Thanks for visiting my blog and I am eager to see more of your camping out on the BLM. I think making blogs is a little like quilting. Love how you have done yours.
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