.....the weather has just been too beautiful around here to get anything done "inside." I have all this stuff piled up to do - inside the house -- but I just can't bring myself to do it. Spring is in full swing - everything is blooming - stuff is growing unbelievably because it's really warm during the day -- and cool and breezy at night - and flowers (and vegetables) LOVE that. Every time I finish one area of the property, or a little corner, or get some vegetables in -- I find something else to do. Thank goodness it's rainy today -- that is going to force me to do some real "work" (real estate stuff) and then maybe this evening, I can finish some of my fiber"y" stuff.
I have a bag I've been working on that, at the urging of Monica (Girl-Gone-Thread-Wild), I'm going to submit for publication and tons of other stuff in the works.
My new lifestyle (see details on sidebar) is really kicking in and giving me the most unbelievable energy. I can't stop moving - I started out exercising every other day or so - now, I find myself "needing" to do it every day or I feel horrible. It's addicting. The protein shakes, and other changes I've made are really making a difference too. And muscle has incredible memory. There was a time when I taught aeorbics classes and worked out with weights almost everyday. Some of those muscles are starting to come back. There are days when I am so sore - I can't hardly sit down!!! THAT -- is a good thing. I never got sore when I was younger - no matter how hard I pushed.
Blaise is also doing it with me and he is doing fantastic. I won't harp on this cause bottom line - if you're not ready to do it - you won't be successful at it no matter what anybody says.
My class with Jane Sassaman was A M A Z I N G. What an earthy, gentle, and authentic artist she is. She was so inspiring and I learned more about myself, and my own style during those 6 hours than I have in the last two years. Can't wait to put some of that knowledge to work. Do yourself a favor, and visit her website and spend some time getting to know this fabulous lady.
Do leave me a note and tell me what YOU've been working on as I haven't even had much time to visit my bloggy friends. I really wanna hear about -- whatcha' workin' on, whatcha' readin' and where ya' been?????????
Carpe Diem!!
My son would love that tractor pic - why are little boys tractor-mad?? I've just been trying to catch up with all my BOM's (since November) and wants (since forever!) LOL.
You sound so energised, I'm hoping it will rub off on me :O)
hi cathie
love the tractor pic and the song!!! VBG
you sound so good!!
-its amazing how a good work out will make you feel:)
and i find getting your fingers in the soil very calming
ck my blog it will show you what i have been doing
keep going cathie-you are doing great thanks for sharing with us
Cathie, Spring cleaning includes being outside... cleansing the soul and soil too... right? ;)
Too funny, we left comments on Lisa's blog at the same time! Of course, i let her know I was one of the bidders on Grace's doll.. lol
Hi Cathie. I just got tagged, so now I'm tagging you.
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
I am so jealous of the nice weather. I am so craving some sun. Every once and a while I fantisize about moving to a tropical climate.
Congratulations about the exercise regime!!! I'm trying to add some exercise to the routine. I have a pedomiter and get a smily face on the calendar if I make it to 10,000 steps. The big goal is to get back down to pre-fourth child pants. I'm not ready to give up my touch of sugar each day, though.
Hey Cathie,
I sent you an email, but my computer seems to be acting up, so I don't know if they are going through. I'm up for a trade any time. Let me know what you would like to do.
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