Friday, April 4, 2008

She's a Stunner.....

Meet "Love Squared!"
You can't help but notice the "Pink Artist" button on the right side of my blog. As you may recall, I joined this group as a response to a call from Monica Magness of Girl Gone Thread Wild:
"the pink artist"is a community of artists joining together to create one joint art doll to benefit the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. When the doll is complete, it will be mailed in to Art Doll Quarterly™before finally being auctioned off on eBay at a later date. ALL PROCEEDS WILL DIRECTLY BENEFIT CHARITY." Upon hearing of this call, back in January I sent four art squares to Monica - three for the cause and one for her.
Here are the squares I sent:

Here also just a few of the squares others sent. To see all 180 squares, you can click on Girl Gone Thread Wild and take a tour of not only all of the squares that were sent in, but you can witness the creation of Love Squared from start to finish as Monica and her husband Jeff documented the entire process.

Grace of Grace Beading made the beautiful crown that sits on Love Squared's lovely head which doubles as a bracelet for the lucky winner of the auction. Take a look at Grace's blog as she too has been and continues to be involved in many worthwhile causes.

Three months have elapsed since squares began pouring in for this cause that has touched so many lives. During that time Monica has labored unselfishly receiving, sorting, stitching these beautiful squares to a beautiful art doll body and face that she lovingly created.
I'd like now to quote Monica's introduction of this beauty:

"Her name is "Love Squared." She wears 180 two inch art squares. 182 artists total created her.
She is just under 40" tall and weighs 6 pounds and 2 ounces.

She smiles because already she knows love
and is able to give love unconditionally.
To many, she is a symbol of hope.
She stands for COURAGE and was built
by a community of givers. "

Love Squared is a physical manifestation of the pain, heartache, heartbreak, hope, love, inspiration, hopelessness, hopefulness and joy of the artists who created her -- many of whom suffer from, or love someone who suffers or has suffered from breast cancer.
Yes, Love Squared is a stunner -- but unbelievably - her beauty pales in comparison to the beauty contained within the hearts of her creators and the hearts and "souls" of those for whom she was made - those touched by breast cancer.
Please take time to visit Monica's blog to experience Love's journey -- from concept to completion. Also, please visit some of the blogs of the wonderful artists, like Grace, who donated their time, talent and love to make Monica's vision become a reality. You can find most of the artists listed on Monica's blog roll -- on the left side of her blog.

Love is going to be photographed and included in an upcoming issue of Art Doll Quarterly prior to her auction on E-Bay. As details concerning the publication of the magazine AND the E-Bay Auction emerge, I will certainly post them here.

Let's NOT allow this to be the end of the journey -- but rather, the begining. Hopefully this inspiring project will light a fire beneath many of us to take it "one step further" - whether it be creating something else to raise money, donating money, or volunteering time to this, or some other vital cause.

"Wild Girl" to you I say --- I suspect you have no idea as to the magnitude and impact your vision has and will continue to have -- in the future on the lives of the people you have touched with this project. You -- are a force to be reckoned with!! I can't wait to see what's next! XO


Barbara said... stunning....I think its needs a lot of time creating this lady....
Regards Barbara

abeadlady said...

Great post, Cathie. Like you, I was privileged to work on this project. It's amazing how making little 2" squares can affect your life.


Nellie's Needles said...

Stunning indeed ... the doll and all of you who contributed to her creation!

Katiejane said...

Cathie, this doll is exqusite and you are very fortunate to have had a hand in its creation. What a generous and thoughtful gesture. I hope it raises lots of money for the cause.

Vivian said...

great doll and it will be off on a live of her own to benefit a good cause.

Fannie said...

Thanks for sharing, Cathie. Heart-warming post. I applaud all of you for participating in this great cause!

girlgonethreadwild said...

you know... I can tell your square from any others Cathie because it is so uniquely YOU. Your work has your fingerprints on it, imaginiative in every way and executed with precision. As an owner of a piece made for me by you, I can feeeeel the energy within each stitch. !!!

This doll, built by 182 artists. I'll never tire of saying that. The magnitude of this project, well we may never know how many lives we touched by doing this... but, I tell you this doll would not have been completed without YOU.

Thank you for your beautiful post. We're one step closer to meeting our goal. That sounds goooooooood!

your friend and FAN, Monica :)

Guzzisue said...

Doesn't she look great now she's finished!....I'm proud to have been part of this project.

Pursuing Art... said...

What a beautiful post!!! You are so right on...and AMEN!!!

La journée de Miss Doodle said...

Cathie,this is wonderful, I love this lady and thinking that your little beautiful squares are part of it! She is awsome!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a terrific project and the doll looks amazing! Good work!

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