I'm still working on these placemats. I finally got them pieced, and now I'm adding some outline stitching to
the center panel -- through the leaves, around the crows and maybe outlining the flowers. I dug out my Embroidery Stitch Bible which is the greatest little book with step by step illustrations as to how to execute each stitch. I find that I am enjoying the process of stitching these little details very much. I would like to do more of that. Once I finish stitching in some detail, I will back these, do a little outline quilting, bind them and then they'll be finished and off to their new home.

I have NOT been diligently working on Dear Jane as I find these tiny blocks a bit err, uh ..........
F R U S T R A T I N G! I do resolve to keep plugging away at them though -- because I do need to learn to ACCURATELY piece (as is evidenced by these horridly crooked blocks!!) so I am looking at this as a learning experience. I am trying to do at least 2 blocks (or more per week). Once school is out and Sabrina starts tennis over the summer, it will be great because I can bring a few with me and work on them at the court. Anyone else currently working on a Dear Jane??
They are going to be very nice! It looks like I get to make up my sewing weekend that I missed last weekend. Hubby has two fishing "engagements" this weekend!
The placemats are wonderful! I love the addition of the stitches...it adds more character and even makes them more special!
And, good for you to keep pursuing these 'frustrating' blocks! I think your idea of doing a couple per week...is a great idea! Not the sit down...get totally frustrated...and give-up attitude!
Keep pursuing...you will prevail!
Have you ever seen the show called Simply Quilts? I enjoy that show! Maybe you could get a DVD on piecing done by a favorite quilt artist and pick up a few little tips that could change everything!
One of those 'aha' moments!
Hugs ~ Lisa ;-)
Nice placemats. You've set achievable goals to complete your "Dear Jane" project. Best wishes, and I look forward to seeing your progress.
No, I'm not working on a "Dear Jane," but I like to look at others' works. ;-D
Cathie, I love the placemats and the stitches. And it looks as if this was a great book. And oh, how I admire you for working on these tiny squares 'dear Jane?:) wow. I couldn't do it, but I love to look at these.
PS I cannot post because google banned my cestandrea blog temporarily as a spamblog, I have no idea why.
I am posting on Miss Doodle's blog in the meantime,as MIss Doodle hasn't been "banned"!
I have been catching up with your blog. I for some reason I've not been to visit. Probably because my link disappeared and I just found it. but I loved alot of what I saw while looking thru it. Your gardens, dogs and work and Van Gogh. I got to go see the Van Gogh Show in person in LA, that toured the States a few years ago and I was totally smitten with his work. I never appreaciated it till I saw it in person. I even splurged for the catalog.We had to get tickets a few months ahead of time and still stand in a long line to see all of his work, but it is something I will always treasure.I Have a picture of me and my girlfriend in front of his Iris painting that hangs in another museum in LA. My minds a blank on the name of museum & the amount paid for it at this moment tho.
Cathie, your placemats are great and good luck on finishing your "Dear Jane"!
I'll be checking back to see them finished!
You and your family have a great Memorial Day!
Hi Cathie
Thanks for your kind comments on my Dear jane. Would you believe I followed a link to your blog from stitchin fingers earlier to see your Van Gogh thread painting, and was admiring your Dear Jane – i love the kaffe fassett fabric you are using. It is frustrating - those tiny squares drive me mad.
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