Sunday, June 1 - the start of hurricane season (!) our baby, my girl, my darlin' turns 13. Thirteen years old -- unbelievable. We had a party last night - a barbeque actually, complete with 20 of her special and closest friends (one of whom (not mentioning any names...) is a little more special than the rest!!! Hmmmmm!!! Am I right Sabrina???? Oh yes I am ---YES I AM - you know I am!!!!) Anyway, tonight is a special sushi dinner (at her request) and presents -- waaaaaaay too many presents! After all -- you only turn 13 once.

I can't help but think back and remember exactly what I was doing when I was getting ready to turn thirteen. My grandma that I loved so much had just died, I had just finished 7th grade at Lee Burneson Junior High and our house on Bradley Road in Westlake, Ohio had just sold and we were packing up to move to Dayton Beach, Florida. I spent the entire week saying good-bye to friends on the front porch of our cute little white house across from the grape vineyards and thinking about how dramatically my little small town life was about to change. But what I remember most of all -- I remember my mom and I in the car following my dad who was driving the U-haul truck containing our entire lives-- and we cried the whole way from Ohio to Florida. I think we both left our hearts behind when we moved. It was one of the worst years in my life - Thirteen.
I'm so glad for our girl it's such a happy time -- turning thirteen. Being a teenager is such a magical time -- it's a time of "firsts," and this morning we spoke of some of the amazing events the next seven years will bring. In so many ways she's still a little girl -- but in so many others she's growing up so fast.
I have to admit, being a teenager in Ft. Lauderdale (which is where we eventually settled after moving from Ohio) wasn't such a bad place to spend my teenage years. I spent every day during the summer at the beach, working in my parents store with my mom and dad that was one block away from the beach, cruising the "strip" with a car load of my girl friends on Friday and Saturday nights, "spring break," etc., etc. I have many stories to share with my kids about my teenage years. (Some however, I'll keep to myself !!)
Anyway - Happy Thirteenth Birthday Little Girl. And as your teenage years begin to unfold one by one, and you are faced with challenges -- both good and not so good, remember to draw upon -- the common sense and integrity we have tried to instill in you, the will and determination you inherited from your grandpa, the kindness and gentle sensibility you got from your meemaw, and the wonderful heart and spirit God has blessed you with.
YOU Sabrina, are loved -- immensely.
Happy Birthday Sabrina. Hold onto every day for they move faster and faster.
Happy Birthday Sabrina
Happy Birthday Sabrina!
I send you my love across the ocean:)
Oscar sends his love too:)
Happy Birthday Sabrina! 13 was sad for me, but it all works out in the end -always does!!
aww! thank you.. all of u! especially you mommy! i love you!
LOVE- sabrina
Happy belated birthday Sabrina...sounds like you had a great day and such a bigt haul....yep you only turn 13 once....enjoy every minute of is traveling by so fast!
I would say Cathie that being a teenager in Ft. Lauderdale was far from!
Happy Birthday, Sabrina.
Boy, you mothers of children are so wise and wonderful. I'm amazed at the love and caring you all exhibit. I did not have a good relationship with my mother, and so missed out on all that "bonding" stuff. But you and San Merideth over at "A Life With A view" are just full of nuturing wisdom. Good Job.
Happy Birthday!!
A special time for all. I hope the best for you. As for Mom,I treasure the good times and have been taught alot of lessons through the not so good times with my own girls. Its rewarding to watch them become " all grown up".
"Happy Birthday Sabrina"!
What a wonderful time - 13 it' s the age of chances and possibilities and I wish you the best chances and the greatest possibilities of the world!
Have a great time
happy bday :D
time passes by so fast...
seriously. im in high school and i swear, yesterday i remember goign to second grade!
Happy Birthday Sabrina and Happy birth day Mom!!! I'm behind in catching up with everyone but I know you must have had a wonderful day! Enjoy your teen many special things are coming your way!
Hugs ~ Lisa
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