This gal's blog gets my vote as the not only the "best named" but most "aptly" named blog. Monica - you're lucky I didn't think of this name first!
We had a little tete-a-tete a while back and
I have been holding off posting the pictures until I needed something cool to post. I've been finishing off those %*(!)@#$(#! placemats (still sewing on that %*(!)@ octogonally shapped 1/8 binding (ewe!). I'm on the last one. NOT my favorite project. AND no progress on Starry.
So in lieu of anything out of my studio, or Sabrina' s edge of the world (as she has been too busy talking on the phone with her - um "boyfriend!" to create lately)... feast your eyes on this eye candy from Wild Girl.
I could pick Monica's stuff out of a line up of hundreds of artists. It's so different, so wildly
textural -- and so uniquely her own. Go check out the "collage effect" pillows she just made. They are amazing! I absolutely adore them. Girl-Gone-Thread-Wild I've got to make Sabrina a few of those -- and they would be great for her to give to her girlfriends as gifts. I'd really like to give them a try and make two for the chairs on my front porch to add an interesting element up there as Katie's windchimes and the stained glass mosaic table I made are needing some serious company.

Over on the right-hand side of my blog you will see the "pink artist" button. Click on it and it will take you to Love Squared and the information for the auction. We are all so proud to be part of this meaningful project. It's very exciting.
The weekend fast
approaches! I don't know about you , but I'm gonna work on my "vacation tan." Gettin' ready to head out to Colorado in a week and I always like to go with a tan. Most people come back from vacation with a tan -- I like to GO on vacation with a tan. It makes my vacation clothes look sooooo much better. Shallow -- I know!

P.S. Monica, vous êtes le meilleur. Art dessus
P.P.S. Keep an Eye out for a New Contest. Details Real Soon!!!!!
Beautiful!!! I, too, could pick Monica's heart art out of a line up of hundreds of artists! Her work is AMAZING! And, don't you just LOVE those pillows! They would look just great on those chairs on your front porch Cathie!
I didn't know you are almost ready to go on your trip to Colorado! I also tried to get tan before we left on our trip to Hawaii or Mexico. You look and feel better and that way you can add to your tan instead of getting burned and having a not so fun trip!!! ;-)
I hope you don't mind, but I have tagged you on my blog! Don't feel any pressure that you have to do it Cathie! But I know you can keep the fire burning! ;-)
Hugs to you friend...Lisa
I added the info. about the auction to my side bar.
Have a wonderful vacation and I always look foward to seeing what you and Sabrina are up to.
Love your blog! When are you heading to Colorado and where are you going? I live in Colorado! :) Marva
Oh how you make me heART swoon! Lemony-snickets! I've got some catching up to do of my own!!!
Darn me for not getting here sooner, what a baad grrl I've been... lazy-ing around, soaking up the SUN, living at a queen's pace for daze now!
YOU do know that I also can PICK out your FAB-you-lous art from anyone elses! Such detail, VIBRANT colors... I love it and am a HUUUUUUUUGE fan of yours...despite that I'm slacking on my visitations.
Oh my. Where do the days go?
Heyyyy you better believe I'm waiting to see what create by ways of pill-ers. Go girl goooooooooo!
xo, Monica
Make that, "waiting to see what YOU create" for pillows.
Man, where is the ON button for my brain today?
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