four giant beets and one yellow squash..... Yum! Nothing more delicious than fresh beet and mandarine orange salad.
Tammy - here is my deceased Columbine. The first casualty of the season. It was so beautiful a few weeks ago -- then it got HOT and look what happened.... :(
Progress in the garden: eeensy weensy pickles, some nice sized (yet still green) tomatoes, tons of eggplant flowers, two huge artichoke plants, and flowering watermelon, honeydew, cucumber plants. The herbs are hanging in there, but most are fading fast as they aren't fond of the heat we've been having.
And finally, for your viewing pleasure Tammy -- the first sunflower bloom of the season. You know, I never realized how beautiful the sunflower buds really are as usually they are sitting up atop 6 foot stalks so I could never get a good look. For some reason this one is only about 5 1/2 feet tall so I can see it really well on a step stool. I do believe I see an art quilt or a watercolor painting from this....
I know, not much fiber"y" stuff going on here. I am in the process of cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, the homespuns to begin a "slow" cloth quilt. Aren't these colors awesome -- it's hard to find homespuns in these beautiful teals and turqoise shades. Started stitching Van Gogh, but not ready to share that yet.
Contest Details Comming Very Soon -- but be prepared, as Sabrina said I need to make you "work" for it this time!!
Thanks for your lovely comments! Go ahead and link to me if you like. Your garden looks totally awesome!
Hey Cathie, happy pictures here, congratulations on that cute and smart son! And how is Ms. Sabrina de bleu:)?
love to you
What a wonderful house and garden you have, how do you manage it all, girl?
Wow! I think I'd like to move into your garden. :) Would you believe me if I told you that I have never tried a beet? bad me.
those fabrics look simply scruptious! looking forward to seeing what happens with VG.
hi cathie
oh your beets look yummy-i lov beets because they taste like dirt smells :)
poor clementis!
would you believe that my sunflowers are still in starter pots??? poor garden i just don't think its going to be a good year for it...
thanks for sharing you have so much more to harvest where you are here the season really hasn't even begun yet-can't wait to eat a garden tomato like a apple mmmmm
enjoy your day
Okay, I'll try again.
Hey, Cathie. Nice pics. Especially enjoyed the sunflower photo. Can't wait to see how they inspire you art. Thanks for sharing.
I LOVE the 'WELCOME' sign!!! What a treasure! I can't believe you are already harvesting something out of your garden...lucky you!!! If the sun doesn't start sticking around here, I'm not sure if I'm going to get anything!!!
Yummy fabric! Looking forward to seeing the "slow" cloth quilt come to life and what wonderful thread work you'll be sharing with the Van Gogh!
~Lisa ;-)
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