Sunday, January 31, 2010

Let's Go Out and Play!!!

About 6 inches of pure fun!
And with temperatures only in the high 20's - looks like it's gonna stick around for  while. 

For today:  Lots of playing outside with the corgis - as they are the only beings that live in the house who want to go outside with me.  Everyone else is STILL in their flannel pajamas complaining that it's too cold to go outside.

C'mon Gizmo and Tobie let's go...
I can't wait any longer!

Later today:  painting linen and muslin for two Etsy special ordered journals for Anne.  One Garden themed journal and one Bird journal - great projects for a cold a snowy evening.


Joei Rhode Island said...

Two happy guys! Aren't they lucky to have a "Mom" that will play in the snow before she gets to play in the studio.

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Looks like the 3 of you had lots of fun! We got 3" on Thursday, and with our temperatures in the single digits at night & around 14-20 degrees during the day, I think we'll have it around for awhile, too!

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Thats a lot of snow. They look like they are having the time of their lives. LOL
I had a dog when I grew up that LOVED snow.. she would get so wet from rolling in it. But she HATED baths. Go figure.. lol

~Babs said...

Looks familiar,,,we had 5 inches by the time it finished up on Friday.It's all still out there.
Your babies had a good time! My sheltie thought there was 'no place' too,,,but she finally found one.
Great shots,,,,have fun with your projects.

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

There's plenty to keep you busy Cathie, glad to see that you've been having fun with the snow. Good luck with the journals - Anne will be delighted. Bfn, Lesley

Mary Welsh Hubbard said...

I love dogs playing in snow. We weren't supposed to get more than an inch or two but ended up with much more.

Pursuing Art... said...

Oh, you *LUCKY* girl! I wondered if it was heading your way. At least you are still having almost feels like spring here lately.

I love the pictures of Gizmo and Tobie playing! You are such a good mom to bundle up an go have some fun!

The journals will be beautiful and two of my favorite subjects requested too! XO ~Lisa

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