I have a three commissions I am currently working on - all which need to go out by next week. I love being this busy in the studio. It's so exciting to work with clients on a piece that they have designed and want to see come to fruition, or to custom design a piece for them according to their specifications. Really rewarding and so fun.
I finished a few Kindle covers over the weekend - two special orders and two others. I love this one and just may keep it for myself. Kaffe fabric with a really cool fused glass button - such a pretty combination.
Monday I got this quilt all pinned and ready to quilt- but have to put it on hold until I get the commissions out. It took me three days to decide upon a quilting pattern. Rather than a grid or meander, I've decided to quilt individual tribal suns in the large white blocks. I did a few last night - and it looks awesome. I'll post pics when it's done. I just made these blocks for fun (improvisational log cabins - mod style) not knowing what I was going to do with them. I ended up having enough for a pretty decent sized quilt (50+") Click HERE to purchase this quilt on my Etsy.
I've also seen some mod quilts with color on the back and I really like that - so on this one I pieced a three inch strip for the back of
representative fabrics from the front. It runs down the middle - pretty.
I'm working all day on a smaller version of the whale quilt I put on Etsy over the weekend as a special order. I love working with these aqua homespuns - they make me happy! I'll post a picture of my progress on that one this evening as I promised the gal who purchased it some photos - so they will be up tonight.
Enjoy the day! I swear I feel Fall coming - I really do. It hasn't been as humid and I've even notice a few leaves dropping (from exhaustion!) Cool Weather - Bring it ON!
Fall is definitely knocking on the door up here in the north! Today I planted ornamental kale and cabbage along the walkway and picked up CHEAP perennials to fill in some other places. Kind of want a Kindle just so I can make it cover - love the button a lot!
I LOVE that quilt! Fall is definitely here in my neck of the woods--love the cooler temperatures!
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