I had a little time today so I decided to work on my first cloth weaving project for Jude's Cloth 2 Cloth Workshop. I spent about 1/2 hour tearing up strips of neutrals - canvas, linen, sheers, cottons, silks and some commercial cottons.
What an IDIOT. I tacked the weaving down on my paded grid ironing surface - BUT I FORGOT TO PUT A PIECE OF BACKING DOWN FIRST. Geeeze. Not the end of the world - but way to make things more difficult for myself (a habit I have.)
The first cloth I wove was a neutral cloth. I laid the strips out so nicely, tacking each one at each end with pins - in an effort to keep them nice and tidy. I then began weaving - back and forth, back and forth until I completed about a 13x13 inch square. Then - it hit me.
NOTE TO SELF: Next time - don't forget to lay the base down FIRST - THEN weave on top of that.