... Rediscovering the Appalachian Trail - I have pIcked this book up a million times over the years. I adore nature writing, particularly true adventure, but because of the humorous element this particular author adds - I never took the bait. Until now.

I read through this in two days. I couldn't put it down. Bryson has now made the list as one of my favorite writers. He is smart, stupid, inspiring, courageous and has a perfectly gritty sense of gross guy type humor.

The Washington Post described his book spot on stating, "A terribly misguided and terribly funny tale of adventure.... A choke on your coffee funny." It is that and more.
Painting backgrounds today. then a little walnut dyeing of silk noile. The windows are open - it's approaching 70 today. So bizarre. Ice one day, snow another and now the 70s. I love it.
Just checked the weather for West Yellowstone - it's about 3 degrees. I can't wait.