Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Whispering White...

In contemplating the recent Spirit Cloth workshop I am participating in (What If Diaries) which is going to begin with  "whispering white,"   while gathering my white linens and cloths, I  reflect upon one of my favorite poems for inspiration:

"There is Nothing in the World more Beautiful...

... than the forest clothed to its  very hollows in snow. 
It is the still  ecstasy of nature, wherein every spray, 
 every blade of grass, every spire of  reed, 
every intricacy of twig, 
is clad  with radiance.”  

                                                                                        William Sharp -  Scottish Poet

Whispering white.  Whispering white. Whispering white.
Yes.  Whispering white.
How lovely.


The Idaho Beauty said...

Did you get snow? Lovely picture with a quotation I'm unfamiliar with but love.

Mo Crow said...

oh the sharpness of the red against the white and black what a beautiful photograph!

Patty said...

Snow...lets us look at our world's bare bones. Lovely poem.
Let's hope no more snow until next year.

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