Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Giveaway -- In Honor of Spring !!!

A Heart for You.......

To enter - you must leave a comment under this post with your name and e-mail address as well as..... your favorite childhood memory of Spring!!! That should be easy.
Friday, March 28th - before I go to bed (the winnner to be announced Satureday) - I will pick a name from all the posts and maybe do a little search for the winner for another prize like I did last time - as y'all seemed to enjoy that.
Good luck. Now you have until 10:00 p.m. Friday March 28th to enter - so let's hear those memories.


Vicki W said...

My favorite memory was making the bunny head cake with cocunut frosting. Do you remember it? It was made from 2 round cakes. One was the face and the other was cut into ears and a bow tie. I loved making that cake!

Guzzisue said...

I remember the May queen at church, lilac flower being used in the decorations.

Nellie's Needles said...

Plucking the first flowers of spring ... dandelions and violets. Come to think of it, these first little flowers in the grass still excite me.

abeadlady said...

Dressing up in our new Easter outfits made by my mom. She was a wonderful seamstress, but boy did she like lace! Rows and rows and rows of it. My sister and I always had the prettiest dresses in town.



My favourite memory is walking the country lanes of England,with my Mum & Dad, picking the wild flowers. I still love to look out for them as we drive through the countryside.

PS thankyou for leaving a comment on my blog, i really appreciate it.

Mieke said...

Oh wow what a beautiful piece!! So glad you gave a comment on my blog!!
Now I can look at your georgeuos blog!!
Love it al!!

Katie said...

Hmmmm.... Easter I think. I loved the dressing up, wearing hats and gloves to church and of course the Easter basket of yummies. There was always a gift with the basket. I particularly remember a child-sized pink umbrella with a pearly white handle. Easter was right up there with Christmas and Birthdays! :-)

Michelle said...

MUD PIES!!!! There was a vacant lot across the street from our house. We all used to descend on it after a big rain, and play until we were covered from head to toe. Of course growing up in New York State, this would be *late* spring - in March we were still sledding! ;o) Gorgeous piece of artwork. Can't wait to see you - hope we can plan something soon!

*~tabby~* crooked heart art said...

my fav thing about spring-oh too many-new green shoots-trees in bud-birds making nests in the houses-the first teeny tiny flowers peeking out in the woods but i think i loved fliing kites in the spring winds-laying all day in the fields that surrounded our house-just the all out beauty of mom nature :)

sherry carrigan said...

Can't think of any particular spring memory other than rummaging through my grandma's old photos and seeing myself at age 2 all dressed up for Easter with basket and bunny. This is a stunning piece! Haven't quite got to this point with my heart. Still struggling with the right brain left brain syndrome. Thanks for commenting on my blog so I could be directed here to see your art. I have family in Knightdale and visit every few months. Maybe we can meet and with Michelle as well the next time I get up that way.

TracyB said...

Beautiful piece!!!! There's so many!!! Barefoot in the grass and making mud pies and those Easter dresses with the bonnets and little white gloves. Does anyone dress their little girls like that anymore?

Noel said...

Oh my favorite memory of spring was and still is, the smell of the earths rebirth of new life. The green grass, budding trees,the intoxicating smell of new flowers...the rich smell of the freshness of God's earth....I would smell so hard and so deep it would hurt my nostrails....but I never wanted the smell to go away!

This is a beautiful piece of your art work you are giving away!

Noel said...

Ok, now I'm going to tell you my least favorite Spring time memory...there was this one Easter my mom had these matching dresses made for her, my older sis and myself and they were white turtle dresses...with orange curtain fringe on them....and we all had different colored patten leather shows on to match the colors in the dress. My mom of course had white, as the basic dress was white, my sis had green, to match the green turtles and I had bright ugle orange shoes to match the ugly curtain fringe all around the dress.......I still have horrible visinos of us walking into church with our matching turtle dresses on in front of all my school friends......just one of many childhood nightmares....LOL!
Thanks for letting me share!

Cathie said...

Okay - now I get to share my favorite memory. We lived in Ohio about 5 minutes from Lake Erie - so we got tons of lake effect snow. Many times - there was snow at Easter. My mom LOVED tulips, hyacinth, iris, daffodils, etc. She planted them around our entire house. I remember as a little girl, walking around the house every day looking for that first bulb to peek through the snow - that first glimpse of spring. I would get so excited because then I knew that before too long our entire house would be surrounded by beautiful flowers -- which I would constantly pick and bring in to my mom. To this day I can't see a daffodil or a tulip, and not think of that memory.

verobirdie said...

Mine was going to the woods to pick bluebells there. There were whole fields of them...

Carolyn said...

Just seeing at all if you have received your PIF from me yet Cathie ??
And mine was running through a field of bluebell flowers with my sister when i was a wee one !

Wurzerl said...

Dear Cathie, my best Easter story is from the year 1960. My brother and I had built an Easter nest for the Easter bunny. Our uncle telled us that we cann' t whistle before the Easter Sunday to the Easter bunny which brings the eggs and chocolate.
My brother whistled some days earlier and he did find in his nest only some potatoes! The whole family laughed but my brother didn' t!!
Hope you had a great Easter time

Unknown said...

Aha! This is where the gorgeous art quilt came from that is posted on Fannie's Imagine, Create, Inpire Blog.

The first rain after winter! Love the smell of the first rain, and it washes away all the muck.

Nikki said...

The last week in March turned out to be much crazier than usual around here, so I missed the whole giveaway. So SAD! Now that life is returning to only the usual amount of craziness, are you ready to do that swap that we have been talking about since the beginning of the year?

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