And while I worked outside --- she did what she does "best" - she stared at my from inside the windows... (she's not much of an outdoor girl - DOESN'T like to get dirty and sweaty - she doesn't get that from me, that's for sure...)
When I was almost done outside - I spent time trying to decide what to plant on this hil in the backyard l (besides the hideous lariope that are there) as nothing wants to grow there because it gets way too hot on the curve of it in the summer.... I'd love to do a mass planting of lavendar and cover that hill - maybe that's an option to consider. That's a big hill and that's going to be ALOT of work.

I also spent a good part of the day dodging Sabrina and her camera as she LOVES to torment me and take pictures of me for her scrapbook -- but for some reason -- only when I'm at my very "best"or in the most precarious situations.. I was in the middle of a sneeze in this one.
Later in the day, I did a little reading outside on the downstairs patio. Late Sunday morning, I baked a carrot cake from scratch for Easter Dessert... I'm not showing you a picture of it because it's not frosted yet - and it's a bit crooked!! My cakes always come out crooked - not sure why.
What a great way to start the weekend. What did you do? Did you spend it with family? Did you spend it enjoying the peace and quiet??? However you spend it -- make it memorable! XO
P.S. Blaise worked on our taxes all weekend AND poor Sal had to work all weekend.
You can't beat a perfect weekend in a lovely home! Nice of you to plant some deer food too!
You know Vicki - as I was planting those Hostas - I was wondering about that. I planted about 1,000 tulips when we first moved in and not ONE tulip bloomed as the deer gobbled them all up while they were buds. They leave my daffodils and daylilies alone - do they dine on Hostas too??? Oh crap!
Cathie, what a lovely post! And your garden sure looks awsome, how do you find the time to do all this, be creative, post nice posts on your blogs (with your girl wearing a nice béret:) and looking after the dogs! I justloved the pictures of the dogs after or during their bath! They are really cute. And your house is, too! And you look great sneezing!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend
PS I spent the evening yesterday with my husband and Axelle, my stepdaughter, we pre-celebrated my birthday (which is on Tuesday and she can't come on Tuesday) and I got a new computer, a book and a DVD, am in heaven, it's a mac book pro, lalilalalalla:)
Happy Easter. It sure was a great weekend to work outside! We did too. :-)
hi cathie
still a bit early here in ct to get yard work done-but my fingers are itching to get in the garden!!
love sabrina and her beret!!
and your babies having baths are just wonderful- ahh the love of a dog:)
have a good day
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