We have before us a New Year, a New Decade and a New Mindset.
I so appreciate a fresh start, and find myself focusing on a whole bunch of goals and new adventures. I'm setting the bar pretty high this year.
Thanks for sharing the past year with me. At times it's been great - at times it's been not so great. But I do look forward to the future - and all the magic it brings!
For today... I plan on spending the day with my family. Talking about and reflecting upon the past and planning for the future. I am a firm believer in RESOLUTIONS. I know many of you do not give them much weight - but I truly believe that planning, setting goals, and monitoring those goals from time to time brings success and a great feeling of accomplishment.
Whatever you do today - make it memorable. Take time to reflect on the past - and plan for the future. Life is good.
Happy New Year!
Here's to a Wonderous New Year....more uncommon that the protent of a Blue Moon on NY Eve.
Hope you have a wonderful new year! Love the moon on your sidebar.
wow. Love your new blog layout. Dazzling. May you have a lovely New Years eve/day with your family. And pooches. I do think the blue moon aspect is auspicious. Blessings, Suki PS any good real estate down there? I really liked one house on yr site (although it had sold). I think it was around $140000 and had a porch and was a one story cutie.
Happy 2010 to you too!!! That mosaic is a wonderful way to reflect on accomplishments throughout the year! Love your moon too!
Hope your DH is doing better and improves in the new year. I am not sure we will be able to see the blue moon tonight as its pouring rain so thanks for posting one.
Hope you attain all you wish in the new year. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog.
That's a great montage quilt you made here Cathie!
Happy New Year,,and to New Beginnings, whatever they may be!
Happy New Year Cathie!
I love this collage! It makes me want to do one of my art too. Might just do it.
Happy New Year, wishing you lots of creative energy!
Have a wonderful New Year :-)
The collage is gorgeous! Happy New Year to you and your family.
Love that red background and love that blue moon ... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Where were you to chat today?
Love from "Bezzy" xxxxxx
I look forward to a new year of adventures. Dream big.
happy new year Cathie, and I'm a believer in goalsetting and resolutions too, also a great transformer of resolutions, if they can't be followed as I planned:) but that's ok, cause we have our brain to work things out if they don't function the way we wanted them to...:)
Please give my love to all your family plus the dogs,
Happy New Year Cathie! I hope this year brings happiness and peace and lots of creativity! ;-)
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