Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gearing up for the New Year....

...Bring it on 2010!

Been conspicuously absent for the last few weeks, I know. Seems my "more accident prone 1/2" met with a terrible accident two weeks ago yesterday. Hand + Table Saw = four less fingers (almost.)

Yep, was working in the shop - his hand met the blade - his left hand - and he's left handed. After 13+ hours of sewing (not me, the doctor - silly) all fingers are secured and working (for the most part.) There was at least one tendon severed, several nerves severed and a joint damaged. He is going to lose some movability, he is not going to have feeling on the outermost sides of his fingers - but they are there, they are working and hopefully he will be more careful.

Ooooh so lucky he is. Really. Time has stood still for the past two weeks, as we waited and wondered what was going to happen. Now that Blaise is on the mend, we can refocus once again and get back to "life."

Now it's onward and upward to 2010. I'm ready, are you? I always love the New Year and the anticipation that it brings. I'm ready for the challenge. I've already mapped out my 2010 Game Plan.

And now - I leave you with the ONLY picture that was taken of me this Christmas. NO this has not been altered. This is the actual photograph my precious daughter took to remember her mother during Christmas 2009. Geeze.


Joei Rhode Island said...

Wow...Well, now that you've (or he) has got that over....on to a better New Year!
PS....Glad things turned out as well as they did.

ACey said...

I am curious if you added embellishments to your Sturgis sweatshirt or if it came that way. Glad all the worrying and uncertainty about The Accident is in the past tense! I like the new year two but am kinda over making major plans. They only shape shift to the point where I can hardly recognize them.

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

OMGosh Kathy. That brings back memories. That happened to my hubby a year and half ago now. only he lost half of his left index finger, but he is right handed. he is dong pretty good and lucky to have not lost his thumb and middle finger as well as the surgeon wasnt sure when he sewed him up. He lost a lot of bone in the saw, so he wired the bone together. His movement is less but he is managing just fine., altho he does miss that finger. Just make sure he does exercises for his hand and we got us a hotwax walmart.. and he dips his hand in it a couple times a day.. Goes deep and helps pain. The terapist recommended that. Your hubby will notice the cold now. Gloves and hot pocket heat pads you use for camping, help that in winter. Hoping for better things in 2010 for you.

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

OOPs, Sorry.. Cathie.. not Kathy. Just was to into memories. :)

sukipoet said...

Oh my gosh. What a fright. So glad the fingers and working. I see Cris told you abt her hubby last year. All of us who are her followers will never forget that and the long recoop it took too, but think he's doing okay now as she says.

Love the shots of yr corgi's. how cute. Happy New Year, Suki

Pom Pom said...

YIKES! I'm so glad your husband is okay! You've motivated me to plan a few delights for the month of January. I'll have to think about that a bit!

Katiejane said...

OMG! I cannot believe two husband in two years and two table saws! I remember when Cris's husband was crippled with that last year, and here she is telling you about it. How awful for you all. I'm so glad everything was reattached and is working again. How scary that must have been! My hubby says, "Now see why I panic each time you turn on the saw?" I do.
On a lighter note, I wish I was as positive and upbeat as you are about the new year. I never get too worked up about a new year. They usually turn out to be just like the last one, so no big deal. Maybe this one will be different. Be careful what you wish for, I say.

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

What a near miss - very unpleasant anyway, so glad he's on the mend. Enjoy the rest of the Xmas break, Cathie. Best wishes, Lesley

Mary Welsh Hubbard said...

YIKES! I'm glad he's getting better.

Unknown said...

Oh Cathy how awful. Glad to hear Blaise is doing well. Make sure he sees a good therapist to get as much use back as possible.
Hope you have a wonderful 2010 and no one has injuries.

Unknown said...

Cathy sorry to hear about Blaise. Make sure he sees a good therapist to get as much use back in that hand as possible. The good part is left handed folks are already a step up on you right handers.
Her's wishing you a safe 2010.

Lindsey said...

Wow Cathie, That is something else! I'm glad he's on the mend but I know it was scary for a bit.
I'll bet you're a great caregiver for him.

Happy New Year

Deborah said...

I'm glad he is doing well. What a scary experience. Hopefully nothing like that happens in 2010. Happy New Year!


Hi Cathie

So nice to see all these good wishes for Blaise's recovery. May I add mine to the heap xx

I laughed my "blue fluffy socks" off about the photograph! Still laughing ... lol

I have my game plan mapped too. It's good to focus and plan the year, I find I achieve so much more

I hope we will stay close and continue to encourage each other through our plans in 2010

Sending lots of love for happy New Year festivities

Carolyn xx

Jeanne Turner McBrayer said...

I am so sorry to hear about the table-saw accident. Hope he will heal well.

Hope to see you soon!

Creations From The Soul said...

Kids! LOL you have to laugh, I often cut peoples heads off in pics too... LOL I am glad to hear that the hubby is doing well, that looks like a close call. I swear my hubby is the same way he goes into his "Man Cave" and comes back out all mangled and always gives me scares, but he enjoys puttering aroung and making stuff so I put up with it, although this Christmas he almost electricuted himself doing christmas lights..........Oh well, you do just got to laugh sometimes because these are the men we love :) LOL anyways Cathie, have a wonderful New Years to you and your family xoxo Michele

Unknown said...

Your blog is always so wonderful!!! Happy New Year to you and yours.....

Pursuing Art... said...

Oh, Cathie...he is so lucky! What an difficult time! I'm glad he is on the mend and healing. Love all the photos and cracked up over the picture Sabrina snapped of mom! ;-)

*Cute picture of Sabrina and Gizmo in prior post too! XOX

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