Saturday, March 7, 2015

A New Passion, A New Vision…

I'm so glad I've found you.

I've been hiking.
Up hill.
Down hill.

Across streams.
Along rivers.

Haven't hiked a mountain yet…
but that is soon to come.

It makes me happy.
It makes me feel alive.

It reminds me of who I am.
It reminds me of where I want to go.

Clarity of mind.
Recovery of soul.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Monday, February 23, 2015

Erosion Bundles, Rust Dyeing and Iron Staining

Some pretty spectacular results.
Two months of the elements and many hours of steaming.
Patience pays.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

January on OBX...

Didn't see the wild horses today...
But found a few pretties.

Friday, January 16, 2015

January at the OBX....

Lots of clouds, lots of sea foam, lots of shells.
We missed you Toby.
Oh how you loved the beach.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Glad for some company....

...In the studio today. 

Got out some hand stitching and my sketchbook. 
Haven't felt much like doing anything the past few weeks.
Trying to conjure up some creative energy.

It's going down below zero tonight, but no snow in the forecast.
Cold.  Just Bitter cold.  Worried about the herd of deer that frequent our property.


has the right idea.  

All that's missing ...
    is Toby.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Monday, December 29, 2014

THIS ..... how I will always remember you.
I love you, Toby, and
I miss you every day.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Oh Toby

Thank you for being my friend and such a  special part of our family. 
There is now a hole in my heart.
Your memory will be forever cherished.
We love you.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

a personal symbols cloth…

taking advantage of a bit of downtime
 to work quietly on this during our long trip to Iowa.

it is coming along.

a few tiny leaves added 
via a breath of autumnal inspiration from Spirit Cloth.

a careful addition of  treasured 
eco dyed bits from last summer
is a possibility.

a bit of tweaking here, and there,
bringing up memories from 
the last year.

focused on mending  
broken heart from last August,

and reminiscing over
a magical journey

…wondering if things can 
ever - be the same.

A work in progress - yet it makes me happy to look at it, to hold it.

I think perhaps a "drop of jupiter,"  or the addition of a bit of "desperado" may be in order -  embroidered in white, fading into the background - adding depth and texture - might be nice.

Yes.  I do think so.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Midwestern Journey....

Returning home today from a 10 day Midwestern journey.
Drove through North Carolna, Kentucky,

West Virginia, Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa - through the mountains,
 tiny mining towns and sprawling farming homesteads.

A stark winter landscape.  So beautiful.

So much to look at. So much to think about.
It was a peaceful journey, just he and I.

Cathie Recca -

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