Saturday, October 23, 2010

Use What Talents You Possess;

the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best. Henry Van Dyke

Words to ponder - particularly for artists.   Who among us doesn't hesitate with their brush or their needle for fear of failure or a less than perfect result?

We are all guilty of this.  Particularly me.  I am forever hesitating - and worse yet, thinking too much about the result and not freeing myself up for the process.

I went to the Durham Orange Quilt Guild 2010 Show, "A Thread Runs Through It."  Unbelievable, spectacular talent I witnessed today.  I took hundreds of pictures and took pages of notes on style, technique and process. Brought back with me some wonderful ideas - tons of inspiration.  I'll download the pictures this weekend  - there are quite a few I want to share with you.

This little blue bird is one I did a while ago. I like him.


The Idaho Beauty said...

"I am forever hesitating - and worse yet, thinking too much about the result and not freeing myself up for the process."

Oh, Cathie, that is exactly what I've been doing all week - longer. Thanks for this encouragement.

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Oh I so agree with you here. I have been going thru that lately. I cant even enjoyed the process of my paintings. Thats the fun part. Thanks for the reminder. Love the Bird. Lovely work. I look forward to the photos.

Lynn Cohen said...

I like him too Cathy! I too went to a gallery show today...quilts, mixed media, paintings...saw so much GOOD art! Am about to take some things to hang in that gallery at their next show. What talent I will hang next to. I told my new friend there that they needed someone to be better than.
That was me doubting my readiness for such a spot to show off my work. I wish I did not have that doubt...or feel the need to compare...I was inspired. I'm okay at being new at this...lots of time yet to learn more from those who have been doing it longer, better...etc. Deep breathe. We can do this.

Jeanne Turner McBrayer said...

That was a fabulous show, wasn't it! Love your bluebird. Be are a wonderful artist!


Your birdie is gorgeous! Just like my sweet blackbird!

Look forward to seeing your photos and hearing about the inspiration. Have a good week dear bezzy xoxo

ps. a little giveaway on my blog ...

Rafael's Mum said...

Wow... I love your bluebird.. how fantastic!

~Babs said...

Your bird is just incredible!

So like us all to doubt, wonder, pause,,,it's a very common thread running through studios.
And we need to all just stop it!
Easier said than done, I know, I know,,,,,

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