Saturday, November 29, 2008

Centered and Focused -- Once Again.....

I've taken a "techno" break the last few weeks in an attempt to get some things accomplished, stepping away from phones and computers and regrouping. Breathing. Taking in the beautiful Carolina sunrises, sunsets and cool air -- clearing my head in an attempt to become centered and focused.

The re-harnessing of energy has enabled me to be rather productive in the studio -- finishing up some gifts, starting work on others and doing a bit of experimentation with new media. Sabrina has also been working very hard on her handmade gifts -- it's inspiring to watch her grow and develop as an artist. She is really turning some interesting corners with her work.

At Sabrina's urging, we did take a break from the studio and ventured to a movie Wednesday. She picked the movie and decided we should go see "Twilight." I can see why it is so wildly popular. Oh so good.
I will be posting pictures this weekend -- right after I pay some of my favorite blogs a visit and do some catching up.
Go outside. Take a walk. Look up at the sky and breathe.
I wish that for you today.


jude said...

breathing is so essential and it is so silly we need to remind ourselves...but we do.

ACey said...

hi Cathie - just back inside from a walk at the creek. Breathing and listening ...

Unknown said...

Just finished the second of the Bella-Edward stories, sniff, and have to wait until Christmas to read the other two, how will I live until then,lol


Anonymous said...

Deep breaths my dear….long, deep and soulful. Yes, breathe deep……


3rdEyeMuse said...

ok, I admit it ... I've read two of the four myself & got sucked into the story - sweet & a little dark (but in a good way). Glad you enjoyed the movie ...

... and ... Saturday we started our journey home from West VA. Since it was Sadie's birthday, we took it easy, decided to stop early & treated ourselves to a fantasticly wonderful dinner @ a local place (that I would go back to often if it were possible!) - we did spend tons of time outdoors the rest of the week, though. ahhhh ... fresh air. :)

Pursuing Art... said...

I totally understand needing to take a "techno" break!!! We all do...guilt free! Time to breathe and refocus. A gift we need to give ourselves! I'm glad you took some time for you!

The movie sounds delightful and it sounds like you and Sabrina have been having a great time creating in the studio!

Hugs to you both and thanks for the wish!!! xo~Lisa

P.S. The new header is beautiful! The trip for snow to Big Sky Country and warm fires sounds splendid!!!

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